January Mid West IPS meeting

Due to the Hurricane our February meeting was cancelled, looks very weird to write that we had a hurricane here in Limerick but 'twas a scary one!
Anyhows here some images from the January meeting:
Here's míse demonstrating fabric fuzing. Claire Lynch, Grania Preston and myself did some demos

did two days of classes with Laura Wasilowski down in Cork a number of years ago, learnt loads and use some of the techniques all the time

Hand dyed fabrics and bondaweb, what more could you want!
Weaving strips for my thistles

One of the extensive UFO's in my collection
Having some of the local branch over next weekend to do some dyeing, should be fun
Show and Tell: a quilt Claire Lynch showed me, loved the pattern and want to make one more in different colourway, Swoon I think it was called.

One of two identical (except for quilting) quilts made for my lovelies for Christmas

Last but not least, strip quilt made from Jelly Roll, a real therapy quilt, you just sit and sew and you don't know what it will look like until its finished, on my fourth or fifth of these, lost track at this stage, one or two more and they should be out of the system!



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