"Treasured Memories"

Yeeha! Did a little victory dance last night when I got the fourth quilt quilted. Awesome feeling to get them done, was going to leave the last one till today but stayed at it!

So I'm stuck with the Memento Mori theme, still got a long way to run with this one!
Treasured memories from my youth include being by the sea, collecting shells, which is something I still like to do and my kids have joined me in the practice. We have a few buckets of shells from Kerry and a large shell covered mirror my daughter Isobel made several years ago for her room. Hense the reason for Memento Mori- She sell Sea Shells 2!

So here's the last three and the four together:

"Memento Mori-She Sells Sea Shells2"

"Momento Mori- Bellis Perennis"
Daisies have always been my favourite flower, I loved making daisy chains as a child. I once picked a bunch of dog daisies and found out the next morning where they got the name, the kitchen smelled of wet stinky dog. I just admire them from afar now!

Used to love Ladybugs as a child until one of them pooped on my hand!

"Momento Mori- Stampi"

And the fourth is based on stamps, I collected them as a child and passed away many happy hours trying to find out where the stamps came from, no internet then, had to search through an atlas. I remember Yemen having exquisite stamps and it took me ages to find it, might have had to drag out the encyclopaedia britannica !!

And the finished four together.


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