Too too long

Oh dear, looked at blog last night and realised how long it's been since I put up a post, me bad.
So as I've just completed a piece for The International Quilt Challenge Group I'll give yee a look.

Here the Architecture challenge piece:

"Ancient Arch"
Played with pics I took in the Burren in photoshop, then printed onto A3 transfer paper (the paper was ancient and I wasn't sure if it would work!). the paper was then transferred onto a textures cotton which worked really well and the texture shows up brilliantly through the transfer. Machine quilted the piece with variegated thread and added black binding to complete.
Here's some close ups:

And sure while I'm here I might as well show you the last challenge piece, both pieces were very late but got done eventually!!
This was for the Through the Window Challenge:

"Window to my Heart"

Lots of different photo transfer methods here, image maker, transfer sheets, bubble jet set.
Again images for the Burren but added some walnut ink, which I wanted to try for ages.
Also decided to distress the edges with some fire, tricky business when you use polyester wadding, has a nasty habit of smoldering away quietly while your attacking another side. Nearly lost one side of the piece!! Here's some details:

And here's the back which I quiet like:


  1. Really nice work Paula. Would look really good as a series.

  2. Thanks Lynn, was thinking the same myself.

  3. Lovely pieces Paula, don't like the idea of pieces smouldering, think I'll leave fire to you experts!!!! Thanks for posting your blog I've bookmarked it now - so no pressure to keep up regular posts!!

    1. Great intentions Rebecca, poor follow through!!!


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